We made individual visits to the two leather workers - both are based in Maseru! Firstly to the workshop of Fusi who is training his daughter. He is producing some good sandals, shoes, belts and smaller items like mobile phone cases. He also does repairs and his small, busy workshop is well laid out and in the market district. Photos show us in and around the workshop with Fusi and his daughter. He has agreed that changing the name of his business to 'Fusi' is much more modern and snappy!!
In the afternoon we revisited the workshop of Mme Mataboho and had fun trying on hats, all of which they had made today, ordered by the Department of Culture to go to China!! You'll see I'm wearing a particularly fetching number and honestly it's not a tag sticking out of the side! The other participants on the hat front are Anne and Pippa together and Clare (Board of Director for Action Lesotho)
Both Fusi and Mme Mataboho are being funded to go on a two week intensive course, learning new skills in leatherwork, in Cape Town. They leave tomorrow - the course looks fantastic and we're looking forward to seeing what they produce and how it can help develop their products. Another really good day!

AuthorMorag Tweedie